Pretty Beaches

Minecraft 1.20.2

The Pretty Beaches mod enhances water physics in Minecraft when sand blocks are broken. Normally, water trails and stops flowing after a few blocks are broken, requiring continual refilling of gaps with more water to create source blocks.


However, this mod ensures continuous water flow and automatically generates source blocks. It offers a more realistic water behavior, which can be advantageous for filling large gaps easily. Though it's worth noting that as it generates water, it may not suit servers aiming to maintain limited water resources.


The mod significantly simplifies and speeds up the process of filling holes. Typically, water would flow down and stop after a certain point, but with this mod, filling holes becomes quick and effortless.


It's essential to note that this mod exclusively works on water adjacent to sand blocks. However, it allows customization of the config file to include additional blocks to the list.

To use this mod, you'll also need an additional API found here.


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