Energetic Sheep

Minecraft 1.20.1

Energetic Sheep are special sheep that give you energy. Sometimes they appear on their own, which doesn't happen a lot. But if a normal sheep gets hit by lightning, it becomes an Energetic Sheep.


The wool they drop can power machines or anything else that needs energy. You could get energy by killing the sheep once, but it's better to farm and shear them regularly for wool.


But be careful when picking up the dropped wool because it might shock you! Also, the amount of energy depends on the color of the wool.


To get the most energy from shearing these special sheep, there are special shears called Energetic Shears in this mod. They collect the wool automatically without shocking you! You can use them to shear Energetic Sheep or anything else you'd use regular shears for, but they need energy, not durability.


To use this mod, you'll need an extra API found here.


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