Ultimate Car


Minecraft 1.20.2

The Ultimate Car Mod introduces many cars and trucks for fast travel in your Minecraft world. If you've wanted more options for quicker travel, this mod offers over 54,000 customizable cars. It even includes asphalt for realistic streets, roads, and street signs, enhancing the driving experience. First, craft a workshop, which is simple: eight workshop part blocks around one car workshop block. Once built, right-click the car workshop to access the crafting menu.


The workshop works like a larger crafting table. Just place the required parts in the right order. Detailed instructions are available in the forum link below. There are five body types: wooden body, big wooden body, transporter body, SUV body, and sports car body. The wooden bodies can be crafted from any wood type, while the others can be made from available dye. Each body type includes an engine, fuel tank, windows, wheels, seats, and more according to the body type. The workshop repairs and spawns cars.


Once you have your desired vehicle, right-click to enter and hold R to start driving! Your speed and gas levels are displayed above your inventory bar.


This mod offers detailed car maintenance. You can repair and store items in the cars. They're excellent for transporting you and extra items quickly. Press 'I' in the car to check fuel, battery levels, and damage sustained.


Regarding repairs and fuel, you'll need to refuel your car as you drive. You can build a gas station requiring a pump and harvested canola processed into fuel. The forum link provides further instructions. Once your pumps generate gas, refueling is as simple as driving up to a pump and right-clicking to start fueling.


This mod offers a wide variety of car types and colors. There are numerous color combinations and sizes available, including single-seaters or larger ones for passengers or cargo. This mod greatly improves transportation and turns multiplayer servers into lively cityscapes. With added roadblocks and signs, you can create sprawling cities and highways. While Minecraft traditionally used rails and carts for distant travel, this mod introduces vehicles, modernizing transportation and infrastructure in your world.



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