Tough As Nails

Minecraft 1.20.2

The Tough as Nails mod is designed to seriously ramp up the challenge level for players in Minecraft. It transforms an ordinary survival mode world into an experience akin to hardcore survival. When you start in a world with this mod, you'll immediately notice a reduction in your hearts, making survival tougher. Instead of the usual full hearts, you'll have fewer hearts, highlighting the need to find items to refill them. In regular gameplay, eating something would typically restore health, but this mod tweaks that mechanic. Now, you'll have to discover heart containers scattered throughout the world to regain hearts. Until you find these containers and unlock all heart slots, you'll need to survive with fewer hearts. This concept is somewhat similar to the Legend of Zelda games, where Link searches for heart containers to increase his overall health bar.


This mod introduces thirst as well, adding another layer of challenge to survival. In addition to managing hunger and healing by eating, you'll have to keep your thirst level in check. This can be addressed by filling canteens with water or crafting different juices. This added survival element brings a broader level of difficulty.


Moreover, you'll be impacted by outdoor temperatures, adding urgency to your actions. Just like in real life, weather conditions now affect players in Minecraft. Exploring new areas requires proper preparation with suitable armor or survival gear. Crafting a thermometer can help track real-time temperature changes. An indicator in the middle of the screen will display an icon that changes based on the coldness level. Building a fire or wearing warmer clothing can mitigate the cold, while removing warm clothing can help when leaving cold areas.


Throughout your journey, you'll notice the transition of seasons over time. Ordinarily, Minecraft has day and night cycles and occasional rain or snow, depending on the biome. However, this mod alters the time structure by introducing changing seasons. Different biomes will experience seasonal shifts similar to real life. Some biomes will switch from warm to cold, and instead of rain, they'll have snow. While it's a gradual process, you can craft a season tracker to monitor these changes. This addition significantly enhances the realism of the worlds you build in Minecraft.



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