
Minecraft 1.19.2

The Botania Mod is an extensive addition to Minecraft, introducing a plethora of new flowers that not only freshen up the game but also bestow various powers upon the players. These powers can be utilized to craft tools, weapons, and items that greatly enhance gameplay.


Upon entering the world of Botania, crafting the Lexica Botania should be your initial priority. This guidebook serves as a valuable tool, offering essential recipes and information required to navigate this floral environment. An excellent feature of the Lexica is its ability to provide information about any flowers encountered in the world by using a shift + right-click, offering in-game details or linking to the mod's wiki page.


To utilize the flowers effectively, players need to craft a mortar and pestle, allowing them to grind flower petals into powders. These powders serve multiple purposes, acting as dyes for clay or glass and can be combined with bone meal to create fertilizer. Using the fertilizer on grass via right-clicking causes random flowers to spawn, facilitating the discovery of new flowers.


Players can craft mystical flowers by using an apothecary, filling it with water, and adding petals and seeds. Crafting a pure daisy using this method enables the creation of essential blocks like livingwood and livingrock.


The primary objective of this mod revolves around collecting Mana. To do so, players need to craft various mystical flowers and place them alongside mana spreaders, collecting Mana in mana pools. Accumulated Mana can then be used to "enchant" items such as diamonds, ender pearls, and iron ingots into mana diamonds, mana pearls, and manasteel ingots. These enchanted materials can be used to craft a range of new weapons, tools, and armor.


As Botania is an extensive mod, referring to the Lexica Botania frequently is recommended, especially for newcomers until they become familiar with its intricacies and features.


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